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This is a website made by young people for young people.

We are students from I. L. Peretz High School (Colégio I. L. Peretz) in São Paulo, the biggest city of South America. We studied and researched on astronomy for a semester, participating in a ThinkQuest project with the participation of many students and teachers from schools in various parts of the world.

Our history

First we developed an international project to work the concepts of astronomy, by a participatory way, visiting projects already developed by other schools in the environment of ThinkQuest, exchanging ideas with students and teachers from other schools, in order to create an exhibition on astronomy in our school, where each group of students developed a presentation on a topic, producing various artifacts.

            The project took six months. When the summer holidays were to begin, the students were invited to transform the project into a website for the ThinkQuest competition. We accepted the challenge. We spent all the holidays working hard, planning the site, building animations and preparing the texts. There were magic moments.

Our Team

Igor Fillippe Goldstein, the best writer, made the detail of the texts and made some animations in flash.

Raphael Levy Ruscio Castro Teixeira, our webmaster, prepared the website.

Maurício Schapiro Ghisserman, Renan Ljubislavic Sperb and Renato Ejzenmesser worked the animations in flash.

Deborah Kohn Damiano prepared the games.

Cleide Munoz and George Hirata showed us the right way.

            First, we thank G’d for uniting our team, much regretted by those who could not get to the end and thanks for the providential help from others.

We would like to thank for the participation of all schools by their teachers and students from various parts of the world. We would like to mention here the names of all participants, but we gave up because of the risk of forgetting someone.

Our special thanks to our colleagues Bruce Schafirovitch, David Feher Radomysler, Luiza Goldenberg Rotstein, Rafael Rodrigues Cassorla, and Sebastian Mroginski Kapelius. Their suggestions, criticisms, ideas and participation were essential to maintain our motivation

The Wonderful World of Astronomy - ThinkQuest
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