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Meteoroids, Meteors and Meteorite





  1. solid object moving in interplanetary space, of a size considerably smaller than an asteroid and considerably larger than an atom
  2. remains of comets or asteroid that suffered collisions and are waving in space;
  3. it is a peace of rock that enter into a collision course with Earth;
  4. it is a body that wave in space, before colliding with the atmosphere.



  1. objects smaller than asteroids that collide with Earth;
  2. particles of dust and rock that are flying through space at high speed
  3. Appear to be large but in most cases, are just a granule of sand.
  4. “Shooting star" is the popular name of the meteor in Brazil.


Meteor Rain

  1. It occurs when the Earth passes through a region of its orbit where a comet has left a trail of dust;
  2. Does not represent any risk for us;
  3. Its name comes from its radiant-points.


Classification of Meteors

  1. Litometeors: they are made of solid particles ;
  2. Hidrometeors: make up with water in solid or liquid ;
  3. Eletrometeors: representing optical or acoustic phenomena resulting from atmospheric electricity ;
  4. Fotometeoros: optical phenomena , originated from the refraction and interference of light radiation emitted by the sun or the moon, like the rainbow twilight and the rays.



    • Fragments of extraterrestrial objects that came to the surface of the Earth;
    • A meteorite is a portion of a meteoroid or asteroid that survives its passage through the atmosphere and impact with the ground without being destroyed.

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